There are some things in this world you have to see it, before you believe it.  A 2013 increase in employee base pay is one of those things.


According to CNNMoney, the constant backlash for inequality in the workplace (and pay rates being in the forefront) has companies in thoughts of raising salaries in 2013.  Nowadays, companies are losing their top performers in record numbers. One bonafied way to retain these stellar employees is to bump up their pay and/or offer better incentives. In effort to show that they care, companies are expected to raise salaries up to 4.1%.  Of course the top executives will see the biggest increases. But, the average-consistenly-performing employee could receive a raise as high as 3.0%. 


“Employers continue to recognize that in order to attract and retain top-performing employees, they’re going to have to reward them in line with industry dynamics,” said Catherine Hartmann, head of Mercer’s compensation consulting business.


The anticipated pay raises will vary by industry as well. Cash-rich oil and gas companies are expecting to reward employees with an average increase of 4.1%, while workers in the education and healthcare sectors will see much smaller pay raises of 2.5% and 2.6%, respectively.


This is good to know. But, employees won’t believe until the check is in hand. Considering the current state of the economy, hopefully this lands true for most companies. We’ll see…