

A group of researchers recently revealed some shocking claims about excessive use of the internet. 


After conducting studies on 516 women and men (all between the ages of 18-65), two UK researchers found numerous cases of depression, isolation, and anxiety among the hardworking and more successful. Their findings showed that people who tend to log on after work hours were most likely to develop these problems. Although, most companies desire to employ individuals who don’t mind putting in long hours, the studies revealed that the need to go over and beyond may be rewarding to their careers, but very detrimental to their health.


Some of the issues that can arise from compulsive use of the computer and internet are as follows:


  • Disruptive sleep patterns (ex. waking up several times throughout the night to check emails)
  • Suffer from withdrawal from the computer
  • Strain in relationships
  • Unstable mind state
  • Compulsiveness about work and life
  • Anxiety
  • Isolation
  • Depression


Researchers suggested that companies begin monitoring their employees and draw up safety guidelines on after-work internet use.


If you are suffering from these issues, contact your employers HR department about in-house counseling or medical help.


Source: DailyMail