DID YOU KNOW: The Power of Vocabulary



Did you know that words have the ability to transform your life?  In fact, the more you are equipped with an extensive vocabulary, the chances you will have to become successful. But, this post isn’t about climbing up the corporate ladder.

The Power of Words…

According to life coach, Tony Robbins, words you habitually use has an affect on what we experience. Therefore, Robbins created the concept of a Transformational Vocabulary. This vocabulary will give you an opportunity to change the quality of your life. He says by changing the habitual vocabulary – the words you consistently use to describe the emotions of your life – you can instantly change how you think, feel, and how you live.

For example, you’re in a situation and you feel “angry”. The way to transform that experience is to associate that feeling with a different word. So, instead, choose to say that you feel “agitated”.  This make the moment less negative and gives you the chance to change your emotional state.


Interesting Fact: The English language contains 750,000 words. Of that, people only habitually use 500 to 2000 words.