4 Dream Killers You Must Know How to Handle

In order to be successful, you have to change your mind state. Your mind – and the way your thoughts are set up – hugely impacts your personal growth. But, some people stifle their growth because of unstable emotions. How we handle situations can determine how well we can adapt to success. If we are seeking the ultimate, which is to be HAPPY, then we must learn how to regulate our emotions and reactions to various things.

People kill their dreams without even realizing it. From over-thinking to falling into depression, there are pitfalls that  can stop you from being the best you that you can be. If you struggle with these things, then here is the time to fight these battles. You hold the keys to your own destiny. So, to create a successful life, here are 4 Dream Killers You Must Know How to Handle:

1. Frustration – Frustration can kill dreams. It can change a positive attitude into a negative one, an empowering state into a crippling one. Look at almost any great success, and you’ll find there’s been massive frustration along the way. All people know to plow through roadblocks, using each setback as a learning experience.

2. Rejection – Is there anything in the human language that stings more than “no?”  how often have you decided not to try for a position at your company, make a sales call, or take an audition because you didn’t want to be rejected? There are no real successes without rejection. The more rejection you get, the better you are, the more you’ve learned, and the the closer you are to your outcome.

3. Financial Pressure – Handling financial pressure is about knowing how to get and how to give, knowing how to earn and how to save. Money is like anything else in life; you can make it work for you, or against you. Learn to deal with financial pressure with the same purpose and elegance as other things in life, so money is no longer a source of unhappiness or compromised ideals.

4. Complacency – we’ve all seen people – celebrities, athletes, business owners, etc. – who reach a level of success and then stop. Comfort can be disastrous emotion because when we get too comfortable, we stop growing, creating, sharing and adding value. The key to managing complacency is to stay focused on your vision and make sure you don’t “major in minor things.”

One more important thing is to always give back. Stop thinking about what you can receive, instead think of how much more you can give. So much more wealth and happiness will be in store for you because of your unselfish heart.


Source: Tony Robbins.com