The Ratchet Report: Darren Wilson’s People Want Perjury, Roseanne Backtracks Cosby Joke, & Peaceful Protester Arrested

Peaceful Protesting leads to Arrest

Chicago protesters go before judge on Thanksgiving….


Across the world and nation people have been sparking several protest for justice and awareness in the Darren Wilson verdict. The nation is in an uproar and some protesters have been unruly do to the frustration, while other protesters have been peaceful.

Several protesters gathered in a Chicago courtroom in support of Richard Newburger, who was charged with aggravated battery against a Chicago police officer. The cop stated that Newburger, age 57, “aggressively bumped” the bike officer, causing him to lose balance as Newburger was attempting to disrupt traffic.

Newburger was ordered to be released from custody Thursday after a highly charged hearing that threatened to turn into another protest.

It’s unfortunate when the people we look for to protect and serve are some of the ones we need protection from. Good thing not all cops are like that and my hopes are that things change and soon.

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