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Google Is Racist

Google Maps labels the White House a racist word…




Google went under fire this week for a flaw on Google Maps. President Barack Obama and the White House was at the center of the controversy and , of course, the issue revolved around racism.

The words “n***a house” appears when someone using Google Maps pull up the address to the White House and toggle over it. Many people believed that this was an error caused by Google or a hack in their system. However, Google says that they are not the blame for this.

According to Google, the reason why “n***a house” appears is because of the millions of search queries where individuals search White House and associates the word “n***a” to it. Unfortunately, there are a lot of racist people who refer to the White House that way. When this happens, the most common words used enters into a ranking system at Google. The higher the ranking, the more likely those racist words will appear.


Google says that they are working on this “system failure,” but when it will be fixed, they don’t exactly know. *side eye*

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